Akira's Commentary

Micro-EMACS 3.12

Appended japanese support on Micro-EMACS 3.12 found in HOBBES archive. Original Micro-EMACS 3.12 supports DBCS such as japanese, but having several problems handling japanese word. So fixed those problems.

Download    Binary    Manual    Source    Requires EMX (0.9c or later).

mvi - mv interactive

Rename files some specific pattern. It was originally for UNIX, found in alt.sources.

This porogram listup file names and start editor. If user changes file name within editor, files are renamed to those name. It you use Mule/Emacs, you can do same thing with 'dired', but it will useful who don't use Mule/Emacs.

But this port does not handles EA.

Download    requires EMX (0.9c or later)

comments - extract/exclude comments

It is used for extract /exclude comments from C source files. It was originally for UNIX, found in comp.sources.wanted.

Download    requires EMX (0.9c or later)

mkid - database of identifiers

This program create database of identifiers from C source code, and offers tools to access that database. It is an extention of 'ctags', and very useful for browsing large source codes (such as X or full OS).

It is originally for UNIX, found in alt.sources (2). Some functions, such as help for 'iid', does not work on OS/2

Download    Requires EMX (0.9c or later)

Multiple Argument Program

It is WPS object, accept multiple arguments and pass them to single program instance. This one is based on sample program in article of EDM/2. This sample was very old one, not worked with my Warp/3. So patched it to work in Warp3.

Download    This is native program, does not require EMX.

VNC Viewer for OS/2 PM

It is a viewer (client) of VNC. For OS/2, Java, X version already exist, but they requires another program and eatup lot of resources. So I tried to port ligth version of viewer.

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X VNC Server for OS/2

It is an X based server of VNC. It works on OS/2 and gives virtual X environment. You can access this X environment wirh VNC viewer. If you use VNC viewer for PM, it gives pseudo X on your PM desktop, and use VNC viewer from remote machine, you can access OS/2 from remote machine (restricted to X env. only).

It's never VNC server for PM. You cannot access your WPS desktop with it (3).

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